One word frees us from all the weight and pain of life. That word is love.
come across the quote which i think is really interesting. am reflecting on my life recently, and jez feel so frustrated at tymes. Love. what is really love? does it associate largely with with the big term named sex? or money? or rather jez for a show-off? imma nort a great writer, that i kno. i cant used fanciful words and make my blog entry relatable to others, but i jez hope ppl can appreciate.
If Love can seriously frees us from all weight and pain of life, why is there so many sucidal cases still on Earth? when i see my friends weeping, crying their hearts out because of disappointments in relationships, my heart goes out to them. there's this friend of mine, she's considered a very close friend to me, in fact i seriously heart her. something went wrong in her relationship and she msg me this "stoopid me. i wanna eat alort of pills and jez die. u tkcr la." immediately i panicked, i do nort kno what to do. i kno whatever i say, won be of help.
every one wants to seek more love. Love from family, from teachers, from boyfriends, gerlfriends.. But not everybody's love stories can be perfect. i heard alot of ppl say "how i wish my bf can do this to me", "how i hope my gf can be more understanding..." Hey peeps, nort every guy is a charmer, nort every guy is good in bed. Nort every girl can be as sexy as Lindsay, nort every girl is gentle by nature. Heard of the word "adaptability"?(:
For those still trap in the game of love, i won't encourage you to give it up. give it another shot. try ure very best. if that means u have to sacrifice ure virginity! i don't mean really go to bed with that person, what imma trying to bring across is SACRIFICE & ADAPT!
what if you've alrdy sacrifice everything, adapted totally to his/her lifestyle, but things are stil bad.. what i reccommend is, pls... jez go to the nearest bar, hit the clubs and club ure life off. really no need to bother. this guy/gal seriously doesnt appreciate eu. why must u keep on hitting the wall and getting ureself hurt? itz gonna be difficult. in fact very very tough.. nobody says break-up is a joyous thing, keep urself occupied ya. everything will be fine after a month.(:
above are jez stuffs out from my heart. i don wish gers/guys to keep gedding hurt by the same old guy, which in fact, they kno exactly that they can ged better guys/gals..
eu may ignore this entry. prolly itz makes no sense to anyone.
whatever it is.. all the best.
30may is me and my babyy's 1st yr anniversary. imma so excited.